I ran the hot water:
Drank some beer:
checked the progress:
Threw in some baking soda because it was taking a long time:
Ate some pizza:
Used our specially designated felting tongs:
To check the progress again:
I finally decided it was done enough. No. Chichi's not "properly" felted but he's dern cute. (this is also why you shouldn't leave me alone in the basement with a camera...)
Today, it was time to sew him up.
I did take pictures along the way but will spare you all but one:
Should you ever need a pattern for a bizarre looking alien blob, I would recommend a modified Chichi.
the Finished Pig:
All in all, I had a great time making Chichi. I think next one I make I'll use larger needles to aid the felting a little and sew on all of the parts before felting. And maybe actually make her piggy colored. Oh, and I'll keep in mind that I still need to sew up the stuffing hole so maybe I'll get the parts sewn on a little more evenly.
Bored and with a camera, huh? Looks cute.
Pizza, beer and felting, you're my kinda woman! That piglet looks adorable. I tried felting a hat today, and it didn't felt or shrink. There was lots of hot water, soap and agitation. But no felt. What does the baking soda do? That's a new one to me.
Cutie! Mmmm. Red Stripe. yay beer
Adorable...bring it Thursday nite?
How cute!?! I love how he turned out. What's his name?
Yes, larger needles might help. Hotter water and baking soda also work. Did you put something in with the project to help it felt like jeans or towels?
Thanks again for buying and knitting Chichi :)
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