We had a great 90th birthday party for my Grandmother:
I'll spare you the shots I got of here where I was getting a death look for taking the pictures. There were about 25 people there that I did get pictures of but we were having so much fun chatting we didn't get around to opening presents till it was just a handful of us left.
This is all of my immediate family except my step-Dad. He was feeling poorly and didn't come to the party:
that's Dad, my sister, Mom, Me, and Pat. Not a splendid picture of us individually, but overall it's great. To me at least and well, honestly, that's all that matters.
Saturday, while Dad and his sister were out buying all the food and other party goods, I sat at the hotel with Pat and knit. We solved a lot of worldly issues that day. OK, so maybe we didn't but damn if we didn't have fun.
I cast on this sock at spin/knit group and this is the status of it now:
I'll spare you all the details of us going to lunch and dinner and all. But we had a great visit. I'm always sad when Dad and Pat leave though.
Which made it harder to go to work today. Which made it that much lovelier a Monday. But as typical at this time of day, I'm in my pajamas. Pizza man is on the way and I'm going to do my best to make some more progess on that sock.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!
edited to add: Darn! Forgot to add one of the things that did make this a good Monday. I did talk to my pregnant friend, Amy and about a week or two after she found out she's pregnant, her brother and his wife found out they're pregnant, too!
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