It's an Ashford traditional. Catie, being the good enabler that she is, also threw in some roving and a lesson.
Armed with all three of those, my drop spindle "experience", and two books (the most helpful being Hands on Spinning which was recommended to me by Robin) I started spinning.
I'll save you the gory details. But I will share the yarn. I got impatient and plied up a couple of not quite full bobbins (which is really easy to get when you're spinning massively fat blotchey singles!):
I set the twist last night and it's probably dry by now but I don't have any pictures of it. I do promise to love it as my first yarn and will bring it with me to knit/spin group on Thursday.
I suppose I should add that I picked it up Saturday morning, don't want y'all to think I did all of this after I got home tonight. I just didn't blog about it (very hard BTW) so I wouldn't spoil Catie's surprise of a new wheel.
And no, other than a little dishcloth knitting, I didn't do anything else this weekend :)