edited to add:
There's a little over 14 inches of knitting there. In one more inch the sleeves are attached, the second intarsia section is started and I'm down to 10 inches of knitting. However, it's hot here. I don't have a/c and this sweater is going to have to wait until it gets a little cooler. 9:38pm
Mom and I participated in some yarn related retail therapy. Wait, that should be 50% off yarn related retail therapy:
That orangey-rust yarn isn't as solid as it looks. It's right tweedy with flecks of other colors. We went to a LYS that is going out of business and got everything half off. We also bought a book of baby/toddler items to share.
I really wish I had thought to take a picture of Mom's haul. She got a lot of pretty "arty" yarn for Christmas scarves and a pretty pattern for a t-shirty sweater.
The store was pretty much out of large quantities of yarn. If you're looking for small amounts of wool for a purse or something, scarves or baby items you could buy enough of what you're looking for. The wool I bought? What will that become? Well... apparently I'm obsessed with a pattern I haven't even made yet. It, too, is for Knitty's Clapotis. It will, obviously, be a larger "sturdier" more of a keep you good and warm type shawl than will turn out with the Koigu I have for the same pattern.
Mom and I also did some general errand running including the semi-obligatory coffee shop stop.
Yesterday morning before all this out and about, I finished spinning the first half of some roving I got online:
I'm quite liking it but am holding out all official thoughts until the second half is spun and the plying begins.
I've also started the ever cool "heel turn" on Dad's sock! woo hoo!!
I'm imagining that by this time next week I'll have a lot of either finished or in progress items to show you. I'll have an abundance of knitting time and engery.
Earlier this month I mentioned my uncle, Don, who was very sick. Well, he passed away Friday night. It really is a blessing, because he isn't suffering anymore, but it doesn't make it any less sad. This would be why Mom and I were having a little yarn therapy yesterday and why I've been keeping busy and why I'll have extra knitting time this week. I just wish I could knit in the car without getting car sick. Mom says I may want to give it another try... gotta love having a Knitting Mom!
I'm not exactly sure when we're leaving or coming home so please don't worry too much if it's awful quiet around these parts this week.
Great yarn haul...you're Mom needs to start a blog, so she can show off her goodies!
Sorry to hear about your Uncle, try one of those "seabands" while riding.
If I couldn't knit in the car I'd go nuts! Sorry you have troubles with it (but so does Hubby).
I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. I'm sure it is comforting to know that he is no longer suffering, but it is still a great loss. My condolences.
Your spinning looks great. I love the colors. I can't wait to see the end result.
Stop with the amazing bargain shopping! You are making me jealous! :)
Did you beat me to Tapestry? I had a headache yesterday and couldn't make it. Did you find out their hours? Love the tweed!
Your spinning is looking great too.
So sorry about your loss -- may your time with family bring back warm and cherished memories of your beloved uncle that will bring you comfort for years to come.
I'm glad you and your mom were able to bond and console each other with some retail therapy.
So much to admire here - great knitting, great shopping and great spinning - give yourself a round of applause!
Sorry to hear about your uncle - my thoughts are with you.
Your sweater & spinning is coming along beautifully. Ooooh ahhhh...Donegal Tweed. I really like that fiber and have used it before.
I'm very sorry about your uncle; again, my condolences. Have a safe trip with your mother and the two of you are in my thoughts.
Sending warm, comforting thoughts and hugs in your direction..Some gorgeous spinning and knitting you've done there my friend!!
Quick question (I forgot to ask earlier & write down your e-mail address - duh). Where did you purchase the Fortissima? Linda and I both are curious. Thanks!
Sorry to hear about your uncle passing. Your family is in my prayers. We missed you last night. Hope to see you again soon.
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