Fancy shoes...
Bizarrely painted toenails...
suitcase with shoes (and cat) IN it...
Hmm, almost looks like maybe we're going on a trip. A trip where fancy shoes are needed...
For the record, I want each and every one of you to know, my evil streak is just big enough that I'm tempted to leave it at that and make you wonder. Hoping that I get a chance to post tomorrow.
But I can't.
A friend of mine asked me late last week if I was available to go on a trip this weekend. She and her husband had it planned out and sadly (for him) he had to go out of town on business. I was ready to go then. But then she told me where we were going and why and I was all set. I begged borrowed and pretty much called in all my favors and got someone to work the Saturday I had volunteered! for. I got a half day off work on Friday.
Today, I got my eyebrows done. Tomorrow, it will be the finger nails... (OK. so I am mean enough to draw it out. But I'll tell you tonight. I promise)
I went shopping for new clothes - we're going out to a fancyish dinner somewhere. I did get a great deal on the pants - so good, I bought 2 pair. And I used a flier coupon for 40% off a pretty shirt. You will have to wait to get a picture of me all fancied up. I'm not but so girly and no matter how much y'all mean to me, I'm not getting gussied up just for a picture.
I even bought makeup.
Are those of you who know me in person in shock yet?
Well, I guess I should tell you now why all this fuss.
I'm going to our nation's capital, Washington, D.C. Saturday we're going to do a little shopping and wandering around. I'd ask about yarn store suggestions, but I don't really know where we're going in town and I'll be with a fair amount of muggles (who are very kind I'm sure!) and being a last minute guest on this fine trip I don't want to be too pushy but you bet if we pass by a yarn store I'll find a way to sneak in!
After our afternoon about town, we're going to a fancy dinner then to see The Gay Men's Chorus of Washington, DC's production of the Wizard of Oz! I'm so very excited!! So excited, that I painted my toe nails green.
See, there's this book my sister lent me (and I'll have to find the name of it) about the Wicked Witch. It was her side of the whole story and it was good.
I've got to leave straight from work Friday so I'm trying to get things done ahad of time. Tonight was the "non essential won't wrinkle" packing. Things like shoes, makeup, pajamas (the very ones pictured actually), stuff like that.
Yesterday, I met Catie after work. We swapped some yarn and chatted and had a very lovely time.
Today, in case you don't read the comments (I don't always read other blog's comments...) Midnight2sticks offered to pick up a couple of Hokie colored skeins of Koigu for me. I've just been struggling with Argosy - who happens to be for the friend who's taking me to DC - and think those would make a lovely scarf for her.
Tomorrow, my knitting heart will be here. I'dve loved to have gone to NYC to see the Yarn Harlot herself. To be a part of the massive traveling sock photo shoot. To represent. I had planned on making a hat to go in my place but that hasn't happend. Maybe it'll be ready by Pittsburg. Or Cleveland.
I promise, over the weekend I'll take a picture of all of my recent yarn purchases/acquisitions.
1 comment:
Sounds like a blast Nikki! There is a good one in Alexandria...Knit This and Springwater Fiber is there too!
Have a wonderful time!
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