Some of "us" were scared when I first put the screen in:
Some of us didn't care:
We finally agreed it WAS all good:
Monday I had two packages waiting on me!
They were both kind of surprises. The first was my last package from my secret pal. I knew she'd mailed it and I wasn't too worried until earlier this week. I was beginning to think it had gotten lost somewhere between Germany and here. Or that maybe someone who loved yarn stole it at the post office :) But it got here. And it was so worth waiting for!
that's 2 packages of German Whiskas, a cute little witchy keychain, sock yarn!, a card, some bath stuff, lotion, soap, and chocolates. BUT WAIT! That's not all! In my excitement, I had spread things out a little:
A vanilla candle. Great package you say? I'd agree... but there's more!
A Very beautiful shawl/scarf!
Pepper approves of it!
Well, this is getting to be a long post. I think I'll save the second package for tomorrow.
Holy Cow! What a generous secret pal and a handknit lace scarf!!! That is truly awesome! I must be selfish cause I wouldn't knit something like that for anyone but a family member and I'd still be picky about which one!!! Congratulatons on such fabulous gifts!
WOW...what an amazing package! Barth & Pepper look really happy at the window, I guess they are "chattering" at the birds! Sorry we haven't hooked up yet, man things/life gets you crazy! I guess since we are so close to our next meeting we'll just hook up then!
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