We then went to lunch and grocery shopping (at three different grocery stores no less). We also stopped at Hancock Fabrics (fyi- for you local readers - this location will be closing and everything going on closeout next week) and Starbucks.
The three of us then went back to Mom's where we sent off my step-Dad to the neighbor's house for corned beef and cabbage. OK. So, we didn't really ship him off but he really isn't but so fond of eggplant and really did feel like going to party with the neighbors. We piddled about and ate cheese and crackers and made dinner and talked yarn and games for the Palm pilot and all kinds of mom and daughters things.
Mom and I also washed out hand knit socks in Soak. If you haven't tried it, I'd recommend it. I bought ours from Spritely Goods but have seen it all over. They're very nice and ship quickly. Every where I've looked the price seems to be the same too.
This morning, I met the family at Staples (boy aren't we an exciting group!). We went to AC Moore where I bought yarn for a baby blanket (Pattern will probably the one on the pound of love wrapper without the hood). We then went to lunch.
I then came home (with leftovers! woo hoo!) and watched the race, took a nap and knit catnip mousies.
The one with the tail is for a friend at work who's bringing home a new cat this weekend. Both of her cats had passed away in the past 6 months and she and her hubby were ready for a new baby.
The tailless one is for Bartholamew. He doesn't need such luxuries as tails when the nip is involved. Pepper's mousie is still on the needles and will be pink with a tail AND a bell.
They may be heathens, but they're my heathens and are spoilt rotten.
Even though you can't tell but so well in this picture, Bartholamew had already thoroughly enjoyed me stuffing them with cat nip and was a little too mellow to play with his mousie upon completion of it being sewed up.
For those interested, the mousies are VERY simple! I used the pattern out of Wendy's book. The super simple all garter stitch version, but she's got another cabled version on her blog for free. I almost used that one but really wanted super mindless knitting.
I think after I finish Pepper's I may make some for my neighbor's cats, too.
Hmmm, closeout fabric. Must. Resist.
Hey Nikki-I think the brown is 814 & I am not sure what the solid orange one is. Koigu is so weird like that-I looked on some web sites but nothing looked anywhere near like the ones I got. I actually went to a store to get it:
If you want I am supposed to be in NYC on April 4th if you want me to pick it up for you-its not a problem. No really, going back there is seriously NOT a problem ;)
Lemme know-Shannon
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