Until it dawned on me that they're awfully similar to my Broadripple socks.
They're similar enough, I can't finish knitting them. This bothers me a little. I mean, I want to knit socks I know I'd wear and don't want to waste my knitting time on something I won't use. But see, I'm not the fastest knitter. Since I finished my Lumberjack socks, this is all I've knitted on. I think of ripping out all that hard work and I get that sick feeing in my stomach. But it's pointless to keep knitting them. I did think of giving them away but I'm not to the point in my sock knitting that I want to do that. I want ALL the socks that I knit. I'm selfish right now. I'll admit that I want to knit socks for other people, but not yet.
I think at this point in time, I may be "forced" to knit on my special sock yarn I've been fondling for about a month. Something I dreamed of. Something I tried to win in several blog contests. Something that always eluded my grimey fingers for too long. Socks That Rock. In colorway Fire on the Mountain. I loved the picture online. When I got the yarn it was so pretty I couldn't wind it. I left the hank intact sitting near my desk so I could just oggle the beautifulness of it. When I wound it this morning, I couldn't believe just how pretty it was. I think there is going to have to be something totally wrong with this yarn for me not to love it. I'm going to pull my needles out of the trekking (I just can't stand to rip it all out just now) and swatch my STR. I got the medium weight because there is a pattern on Knitty I wanted to make with it but it's written for 2 circulars and I don't have it in me right now to see if I'm able to adapt it to DPNs. I got the Blue Moon pattern - Rock and Weave - but decided I'd rather just make a good ol' toe up sock and let the yarn do it's thing. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go pout over my "lost" knitting time this weekend...
I know how you feel. I figured out that I usually rip out maybe 50% of things that I start-eventually I realized that the best thing to do was to rip the sucker, wash it & re-wind. There is nothing worse than finding a plastic bag with Little Failures in them.
The STR is beautiful! I agree-sometimes its best to let the yarn do its thing without too many fussy stitch patterns to get in the way!
That's a gorgeous colorway -- I had no idea it was so pretty. Good to know. Don't fret about the lost knitting time -- chalk it up to just getting more "practice time" in....
Hi Nikki,
In answer to your question -- I like Last Minute Knitted Gifts a lot. Better than "Weekend Knitting" or "Handknit Holidays", which I've recently checked out from the library. I also like it better than "One Skein" which I own. If you get it (or check it out from the library), be sure to go to the website that lists all the errata, (just Google "LKMG errata") because there are lots of mistakes in the book.
I'm gonna have to get me some of that STR. I am having a yarn moment, looking at yours. catie
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