This is my favorite part of the whole store! (It's really Ok... my momma always told me "simple things amuse simple minds" and I'll admit it, I have a simple mind) Looking at the picture, the escalator on the left is the people escalator, the one on the right is for carts. You push the cart into the gate, it locks into place and as you ride down the cart rides down beside you. OK, I should stop right there, I told a little lie. YOU don't push the cart into the gate, the very nice customer service people (I swear "bag boy" seems almost an insult to these guys) push your cart into the gate, then to your car and load up your groceries. And if you haven't ever been to Ukrop's before they give you a little history lesson and store hours and such.
I went in with my preprinted customer card form (I love the internet too!) and handed it to the nice lady at the very busy table. She asked me if I wanted a keychain card or a wallet card (the wallet card is my card of choice in case you're wondering) and handed me my card. I took a little magnet for the fridge with all their numbers on it. Mostly because I like magnets on the fridge. (see you're learning so much about me in this one little post!)
I wandered up and down each aisle carefully making decisions about what I wanted for lunch and for dinner. I bought the heathens a little treat (that was 4 cents cheaper per can than another place I usually shop), I bought my dad a .... wait, it's a surprise, I'll tell you later after he gets it but yes it will mail very well, I got some frozen chicken things and some prepared shepherd's pie. Because a lady at work said they've got excellent pecan pie, I bought a piece. I would like to state here for the record that she is right. I mean she's not Southern or anything so I used her recommendation with that in mind, but it's good. The pie is SO good, Pepper tried to eat the fork when I was done. And she's not so big on people food. The pie alone is worth a "I heart Ukrop's" but I'll tell you what really sealed the deal for me (I mean besides the cart escalator going to the underground parking) was they have Ginger beer. Dad originally told me about ginger beer when I was visiting with him but Catie is the one who turned me on to this particular brand. It's MOST tasty. It's also most tasty with a little splash of good tequila (Dad says good burboun too).
They've also got well spaces aisles and a very nice layout. As an added personal bonus, they're very close to where I live. I'll be shopping there again (maybe even to buy some French toast or French bread for the Tour de France KAL kick off . You always knit better after a nourishing breakfast.)