Sunday, June 10, 2007

A long fun icky weekend

This is going to be a quick catch up. I went to visit my aunt this weekend (who LOVED) her sock! It was the right colors and fit great so the 2nd sock has been cast on.

Sadly this weekend I also got a little sick and was most puny all Saturday night and even though I felt much better today a good 5 hr drive will knock some puny back into you. Thankfully though there was no "sick" today though.

I did take lots and lots of pictues at Harborfest Saturday afternoon though. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to share those photos along with a little roving I got the other night...

OH, and I must confess that I did not knit in public on Saturday. :( I had all the intention too but we were so on the go Saturday while we were out I just didn't do it. And knitting and walking is not a skill I have. I did knit at my aunt's though... I realize she's not "public" or even anti yarn (this being the aunt who taught me how to crochet) but it's all I've got.

Hope y'all had a great weekend!


Dianne said...

aww..sorry you were 'puny'..hope you're up too par soon..a 5 hour drive is L.O.N.G...when you feel poorly..snap out of it my have a new yarn shop coming to town and you have to feel your best!! Hugs

Robin said...

Sorry you felt bad this weekend...get better soon!