I don't think I mentioned this but our LYS (Needle on the Square) has a drawing every month. 4 or 5 names get picked out for various percents off of a project. Well, back in August I won the 40% off! I was so excited! I'd never won anything like this before and it was right at my birthday and I had birthday money and just went crazy. I bought some gorgeous soft pink yarn for a sweater. That's a whole nother story but lets just say that someone else is loving that yarn right now because I sold it on eBay. I couldn't enter the drawing for 6 months so when I went back in April I could finally enter again. And guess what? I won the 40% off discount again! So I wanted to use this discount cautiously. I looked and looked and couldn't find a sweater pattern I NEEDED. So today, I went to the store and got 2 skeins of
Tofutsies. And some more black Encore DK to finish off the baby sweater. I decided not to make it as stripey as I originally thought so I knew more black would come in hand. And I got some Cascade Fixation that I plan to make some of
these with. Minus the eyelash yarn. I've started drinking more water at work and the cup I have sweats a lot. My poor little felted coaster is getting a work out so I thought I'd give it some back up. Plus I thought they'd make cute little gifts.
I also got some DPNs for the baby sweater and a stitch counter/marker for working the round. They also had some adorable (perfectly sized!) buttons for the baby sweater. Little robots! How cute!!
So I decided since I did get a 40% off discount for all the sock supplies I'd buy myself a little something special. Truth be told, with the discount, I basically got them free! :

Yup. Rosewood sock needles. I can't wait to try them! I'm going to use them to knit up one of the Tofutsies for my Aunt Judy's socks.
Here's a picture of the rest of my haul:
Dianne- I want you to note the other DPNs are the Bryspun you showed me.
I was going to go up to
Yarn Theory to pick up the knitting bag that I won and maybe stop by Tapestry on the way home but they're apparently closed today. Which isn't all that bad since I don't need to go to any more yarn stores today!
So I think I've got all that I need to settle in for a long relaxing weekend of knitting. Let's see how many FO's I have on Monday. Or at least how many new projects I have on the needles!
I hope everyone has a very safe happy Memorial Day weekend!
Holy smokes, that a very lovely haul you have there! All gorgeous colours, I'm really tickled with the Fixation colours, the Tofutsi skeins are beautiful, and those little robot buttons? How cute are they!
I know you'll let US know just how wonderful those new rosewood needles are....
WOW Nikki...what a haul!! I have drooled over those rosewoods a few times..and I have one of those exact tofu..You will love the Bryspuns..they're a very smooth knit..and I can use all the help I can get..lol Very pretty colors in your Cascade also..
I'm very sorry about YT not being open today..I'll keep watch over your bag..Happy Knitting~~
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