This is my cousin's hat and fingerless gloves in her school colors (yes you Hokies, I *know* what colors they are but they're Carson Newman's colors, too!)
Here's Baby's first sweater (from me) in progress:
Scott's a HUGE Steeler's fan, as is his whole family, and I thought they'd get a kick out of a baby sweater in Steelers (ish) colors. And Baby will be born during football season. Even though Amy will get a kick out of it, I'm making a prettier sweater, too.
Lastly, I bring you:
230 yards of yarn. I know, I think it looks like more than that, too. My calculations are correct but I'm now wondering if maybe my measurements are a little off. Can anyone tell me how you can figure out what size skein your niddy noddy will give you?
I don't have a lot of roving left to spin in this colorway so now I'm really wondering what to make with it. I'd guess its no where near enough for a vest or shawl now.
Wow, those are some great FOs!
(and I thought the little sweater was more a bumble bee type, silly old woman that I am)
You could wrap once around niddynoddy, measure that then keep count of your wraps...?
It's beautiful yarn!
How Lovely!!! All of them!!
And I am NiddyNoddy sorry..I don't know, but I'm sure Marianne has good advice..she's like that..'wink'
Wow, you are really taking off with the spinning! The yarn looks great. I am plugging away at it too and hoping my skeins can look so good.
OMG! Your yarn looks fab. You are truly a natural when it comes to spinning. Can't wait to see what you knit with it.
As far as measuring your niddied yarn, take a piece of yarn, make one pass around your niddy noddy and measure that to determine how many yards each wrap is.
Your turquoise yarn is gorgeous -- that's one of my favorite colors, so your picture is making me drool! Kudos! :-)
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