I've never been big on Valentine's day. I think I've been looking at it all wrong. This year was I think the best Valentine's day I've ever had. It had iced a little last night and staying warm in my bed this morning, I called our weather line at work to see if we were going to be closed or opening late. We weren't but our head administrator guy who leaves the messages wished everyone a Happy Valentine's Day. That got me laughing right off because I just did not expect it. So I got up a little bit later (what?! I'm lazy and it WARM in bed with the fuzzies) and got dressed. Checking my email, I had a cute ecard from a good friend. I left for work and there was no ice to scrape off the truck (that in and of itself will always make me happy!) and had no problems walking through the parking lot. At work, I found a very cute little Valentine's card on my desk (oddly enough in the same Car's "motif" I myself had bought). I delivered the cards I had for my work friends and sat down to knit. I was there about 30 min earlier than needed. I can't help it, my Dad always told me to make sure to leave early enough to arrive safely in bad weather. I did mess up twice but that's OK. I got it all fixed and squared away at lunch. We had a little Valentine's breakfast with Panera bagels (yummmmmmmmm) and Dunkin' Donuts (equally yummy but I just can't resist Panera's bagels with cream cheese). Later I got another card that had a Secret Code on it! How COOL!
The rest of work was regular work day but around 3:30 while I was listening to NASCAR Radio on Sirius happiness drifted into my ears. They were broadcasting live from the Fan Zone at Daytona, during practice. You can call me a redneck, it's OK. I'm not offended, but it was truly music to my ears!
I got home and there was a letter from my SP9 secret pal. I still haven't received my last package yet but having family who's had friends in Germany for a while, I know that sometimes the mail is very wonky. It was a very nice letter with postcards from near her home. Then by my door was a smallish box. I thought for sure that was my box from my secret pal but nope. It was a box full of wonderful goodies from my Monthly dishcloth KAL exchange pal. Gorgeous cloth! wonderful presents! CHOCOLATE!!!!! I swear after opening that box, I really and truly almost cried from happiness.
I got another ecard from another good friend and talked to my Dad (I'd talked to Mom earlier). Just a few minutes ago, my grandfather called and said that his therapist wants him to keep in therapy for another four weeks because he's progressing SO well after his stroke that she thinks she can get him back to full capacity!
And in the middle of all this. I read this and I knew, she was right. It's a little sappy, but I've gone to all of the blogs I read on a regular basis and told them Happy Valentine's day. I even delurked on Dave's blog to tell him that I loved him too. Don't ask. Just go read his post, ok?
Now, before I go share the love with my two very fuzzy heathens that I truly do love with all my heart and knit (yes, I can do both at once. Pepper lays by my ankles and Bartholamew in my lap. He doesn't eat the yarn so it works) I have an annoucement about my contest.
I've decided to end my contest early. I haven't gotten any more comments since the 29th. I'll consult my "random number generator- ie Mom - in a bit to pick a winner. I'll be emailing everyone who entered but since there was only 3 entries, I've decided to send a little something to the two "non winners". So, I need everyone's address. I don't think I've added my email any where but it is dixygirl AT cox DOT net so if you don't get an email from me, please send me your snail mail for your "thank you for the podcast" present.
One more final piece of important business. The two loves of my life:
Happy Valentines to you! And Happy Knitting!~
Look at your precious *Loves*...and look like they Love you very much (now fill my bowl)!
If you are a Redneck~then so am I!! I managed to pull myself upright long enough to watch the *Duels*!
Sorry I'm a couple days late commenting...I'm feeling so pewny, I haven't been reading my blogs like I should!
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