I'm sorry but I'm unable to come to work for at least a week. Thankfully, I'm not sick. But there are way too many things that have to be knitted. I need to put some serious work into my cardigan. And with all the cold weather we've had lately, I know you'll want me to finish my hat and mittens to keep me warm and healthy so I don't have to call in sick.
I'd also like to get Argosy done for my dear friend. See, I found the most perfect yarn for it and just can't wait to get this knitted.
It's Cherry Tree Hill Super Glitz. I know it's not the best picture (which is why I'm working for you, not a professional photographer) but it's just so pretty and will be absolutely beautiful all worked up.
While at the yarn store, I got another skein of Manos del Uruguay for a mobius scarf for me.
My sister says two skeins will be enough for what I want. And I've heard that mobius knitting is a little fiddly and would like to be able to take my time working on it. See, Mom has this book she loaned me so I can learn.
I also have a slew of really really great sock yarn that is begging to be worked up into socks and see? This is why I won't be at work for a while. I know I get to knit at lunch but it's just not enough time.
Now, we could work out an arrangement where I could just sit and my desk and knit when the phone's not ringing if that would be better?
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter,
1 comment:
Your Manos will make a LOVELY Moebius...the hardest part of the moebius is the cast on..that's a bit fiddly..you will do fine!! I can't wait to see...I've done quite a few from Cats book..but only used 2 patterns. I have some yarn hoping to soon try a 3rd pattern...as soon as I get over the sock passion!! Happy Knitting~~
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