Sunday, November 26, 2006

Weekend Update

Here's a little weekend update. I've been knitting away on dishrags. I'd share pictures but some of these are presents. However, my hands did get a little sore from working with cotton so I started on a felted purse for my boss. It seems that I forget that cotton is stiff and unyielding until I get some good ol' wool on the needles. I love wool...

We've all taken a nap or two this weekend. Thankfully, there's no one here to take pictures of me while I'm sleeping.

Working backwards, Saturday Pepper was in a snuggly mood while she napped.

Hmm, I never really noticed how much my pajamas match my blankie...

Friday morning (and I mean EARLY morning! So early I was questioning what's left of my sanity early...) I went out to Radio Shack - NOT the one at the mall, I'm not that crazy - and bought my Christmas presents.

All I need to do now is install it in the truck and set up the subscription. Those may have to wait though since sometime this weekend I ALSO bought Christmas presents for my mom, step-dad and sister. (We're not going to discuss those though...)

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