Apparently, I wasn't opening the presents fast enough for Pepper...

Bartholamew gave his sniff of approval...

Now, here are the goods without any help from the cats...

I got two wonderful skeins of schoeller stahl Elfin. It's color #7, a orangy burnt sienna color. and it's a mohair blend. I almost just want to leave it unused so I can pet it and snuggle with it! :) However, I'm thinking it'd make a wonderful scarf and maybe wristwarmers or hat or something else... I just don't know yet what it will become.
I got 4 very beautiful wooden snowflake ornaments (at least one of those is going to work with me!)
There's a really cool DPN holder. It's got the cutest sheep on it and the zipper pull has a sheep head on one side and a sheep hiney on the other!
I got a sachet of bath confetti, a handful of tea bags and a very nice card.
You SO rock, secret pal!!!
What a lovely package! You're right your SP does rock
Hi Nikki,
great to hear that you love what I sent to you. And that you had such much help from the cats :-)
Your secret pal
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