The rugs the ladies who wrote the book had made were gorgeous! The chair pad/cat bed Laura was working on was also gorgeous!!
I took a multi-color one pot dye class on Friday. It was WAY too easy and not messy enough. I see dyeing in my future (I had typed dying in my future and well, I figure that is in the future but not what this post is about!).
We dyed three pots as a class. Some fleece that was fun but looks - well not pretty.
We dyed some wool:
Pepper liked the wool a lot!
We also dyed a mohair blend:
This one took color much better than the wool. Our instructor said that mohair likes dye and will soak it all up. Hmm, I may have to buy some to try that out!
The other class I took was a Creative Cast on Class with Margaret Heatherman. She taught us a handful of basic cast ons and what they're best used for and a couple really pretty "decorative" cast ons. Then gave us cardstock and double sided tape with all the cast on names so we could tape our swatches on them to remember which was which! This class, while as educational as I thought it would be, was way more fun than I thought it'd be! YEAH!
Next post will be my prize winnings from Spindle and Wheel.
Nice!! Pepper has good taste!
Those rugs are Gorgeous! I never knew they were called Shepherd's rugs though.
Looks to have been a great time, the dyeing classes and the cast on class, what a great idea... attaching swatches to cards for future reference...
The dyed wool and mohair... all beautiful.
I agree with Marianne - that card stock idea with the swatches is a good one.
I still love that color for your marigold socks. :)
I'd love to pick your brain more about the one-pot multi-color dye class -- if I do any dyeing, that's the kind I'd want to do....
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