I did get everything done but the sleeves last weekend which is why I didn't post about it, I wanted to see how much I could actually get done and there just wasn't a lot of knitting time at home this past week. The yarn is what I got last weekend - Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Superchunky. The pattern is Knitting Pure and Simple's Weekend Pullover. If you scroll down it's in the middle. It's knit on size 17 needles. The cicular the body's done on isn't too bad but the dpn's are a bit of a pain to get used to.
Looking at the picture I should clarify, I do need to weave in the ends. I need a little help on that because I tried to weave two in and because the stitches are so big and the yarn so lofty I feel you can see where it is. I'm waiting for Mom the Knitting Guru's help (not like I need a sweater in this weather yet).
That would make it my first finished sweater. Well, the first finished sweater that will fit a person. I also made this last weekend:
I've also been knitting on Dad's sock:
I got lots of help. Bartholamew supervised the finished sweater photo shoot:
Pepper supervised all the knitting:
Well, most of the knitting. Yesterday I went to the Big Lick Blues Festival with some friends of mine. Yes, I took my knitting. However, I didn't take anything that couldn't stand to get dirty since it was outdoors. So I took some dishrag cotton:
Sometimes, it's nice just making plain ol' garter stitch squares.
Woah Girl..that's a beautiful sweater..I love it,the color is just gorgeous and didn't you enjoy the pattern?
The little sweater..is too cute for words..so now you're a 'sweater knitter too'..and Dads sock is shaping up beautifully!
Hope you're having a great weekend!!
Kudos on the great sweater! And such a fast knit with such a lovely yarn! It looks like it fits great, too -- that's a major accomplishment with sweater knitting, so I hear. (Haven't knit one myself, yet.) Congratulations!
I love the mini sweater, too! :-)
Holy cow girl, you're a knitting machine!!! I didn't get that much done on a weeks vaction. Great sweter and I bet that yarn is wonderful! I love your 'little knits'. I need to try that. Are you winging the patterns or you have mini patterns?
Nikki, your sweater is beautiful and love the colour also! What a sweeeet tiny sweater! Daddysocks looking fabulous..now tell me what colour are Bartholamew's eyes? They look a bit aqua/green/gray?
and what on earth is Pepper doing?
Loving the dishrag, what a pretty pattern!
GREAT pullover! It looks wonderful & sooo warm (love the color too).
Your mini-sweater is too cute and you already know how I feel about your artsy dishcloths (too pretty to use). ;)
Your father's sock is coming along nicely. You've been doing some rabid knitting lately - - good for you.
Congratulations on your first sweater - it's beautiful and a great fit too!
Congratulations! Whoohoo! And those knitting assistants...good going guys! (I love me a little dishcloth garter for exactly the same reason - no stress, no muss, no fuss!)
Nikki, what the heck is that black cat draped over? Looks funny. I am LMAO right now!!! catie
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