Gather 'round y'all. It's time for show and tell!
Mom and I decided to go and check out two semi-local yarn stores we just learned about. One (Tapestry) is not quite half hour away from her and the other one (Yarn Theory) about an hour. The plan was to swing by Tapestries and then hit Yarn Theory. Well, we missed Tapestry. It was hidden behind another store. So on to Yarn Theory we went.
Yarn Theory is a lovely little shop that
Robin told me about. She said it was worth the drive. Well, Mom and I both thought so. Mom got some Lamb's Pride to make a hat for Luke, some sock yarn and some yarn to make a coworker a baby sweater. I got this:

That's Austermann Stepp sock yarn and the 2005 Interweave Knits. I thought it had some cute patterns in it. And it was on sale.
We then met Luke for lunch at a Chinese restaurant between the two yarn stores.
Mom and I found Tapestry with no trouble. I hadn't been there for 5 mintues when I fell in love. They had Manos del Uruguay. I HAD to have some. The problem was deciding which colorway. I wanted them all. And I wanted LOTS of it!! In trying to find my color, I found one that I thought was perfect for my sister. I mentioned this to Mom and she agreed. Her birthday is coming up so I almost just bought it. But then I realized that I do have a camera phone. So I took a picture and sent it to my sister to see if she'd like to have a skein. Mom and I browsed around and found lots of other nice yarn. She even found some for a sweater she wants to knit.
I got these:

That's my Manos del Uruguay on the left and a skein of Wool in the Woods Sparkle on the right. It's going to my secret pal for their last box. It's extremely soft and smooth and shiny.
Here's a close of of the Manos del Uruguay:

I love love love this color!! I think it will be a scarf. I wanted more. I wanted like a lot more. But I had no specific project in mind and I think I love it too much to felt it. Although if I find the right pattern, that may not be true. So for now, I will wear it lovingly around my neck. I suppose a girl CAN have too many scarves but I just have 2 knitted ones and a fleece one. This will be my third. Certainly, that's not too many scarves.
A few minutes after we left the yarn store my sister called me back. She did like the yarn and yes, if I was buying it, she would like it. So Mom and I turned around and I went back in to get the yarn for her.

A close up:

I'm afraid that even in the close ups the pictures just don't convey the beautiful colors of either skein of Manos del Uruguay.
That concluded our shopping trip.
However, I almost forgot to tell you. Thursday I went out and got the yarn for
Rosedale, my cardigan.

A.C. Moore was having a great sale on Paton's Classic Merino. It's the colorway Wedgewood with some brown in the corrugated ribbing.
Dad and Pat's items have been mailed off to them and sometime after they get them I'll post pictures. I managed to forget to take pictures before they were mailed off so Dad's promised to take pictures for me.