My new wheel. It's a Lendrum Folding Wheel. I have 3 different flyers for it - the regular flyer, the fast flyer and the plying head (that's what they call it...). The plying head does have it's own mother of all and drive band and the bobbin holds 2 full regular bobbins. (insert happy sigh here) The fast flyer fortunately takes the same bobbins as the regular flyer. I also have a tensioned kate. I need to read up on how they work differently than a lazy kate but I'm quite sure I have that information in a book.
I'm also needing some information on ratios. I think I have the basics down but really want some good information on this. If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
As you may remember I fell in love with the Lendrum at SAFF. I sold my Ashford Traditional and a couple of other things sitting around collecting dust and saved up my pennies and bought the wheel from a lovely dealer in Suffolk. Why Suffolk you ask? Well, not only were they were quite friendly and helpful at SAFF, but my aunt Judy (who I made the socks for) lives in Norfolk. Not quite an hour away... darn, have to go visit the family.
I love going to visit my aunt. We have a ton of fun no matter what we do. We get up whenever and eat breakfast and sit at the table for hours in our pjs talking about everything before we change clothes and do whatever it is we had planned to do - that is if we had anything planned. So add that into the mix and of course I went to Suffolk.
Saturday morning we left with plenty of time to find the dealer's studio. However, we did not realize that Suffolk's Christmas parade was Dec 1. We saw some of the Christmas parade as it was headed right down Main Street in the exact direction we wanted to do. After digging out the good ol' map we found away around the parade only to run into it again (it was quite a long parade...). We forged on but found ourselves on a road that wasn't on the map. We stopped to ask one of the very nice police officers how to get to where we needed to be. He politely told us that we were on the street we needed to be on. So on we went.
On the way back from picking up the wheel, we got re-routed by an accident. We saw an awful lot of Suffolk yesterday and enjoyed the whole trip. She did take the first pictures of me spinning on my wheel but (not surprisingly) we got to talking and she forgot to take some with my camera too so when I get them from her I'll share.
Now, if you'll please excuse me, I have some wool calling my name...
Ohhh...goody~goody! I can't wait to see it. So...what are you going to name it??
Good, good, good for you. I know what you will be doing with your spare moments! Got enough roving?
Congratulations on your new baby!!! I like hearing that the Lendrum has all those options as far as bobbins and flyers and plying (and folding). I hear that the Aldon Amos book is very good and thorough, but very technical. It would no doubt have the answers to your plying questions.
There's some good spinning groups on Ravelry, including one for beginning spinners and one called "Spin Tech" -- I think there's even one specific to Lendrums. Also, if you're interested, I've created a Yahoo group for spinning Virginians. If interested, go here: and click the "Join this group" button, and follow the instructions that come after.
Have tons of fun with your new baby!
Congratulations! Your new wheel is a beauty! And what a fabulous time you have with your Auntie!
Have fun!
Lovely wheel - can't wait to see what you make with it!
Congrats on the wheel. (I was considering this model myself.) Have fun!
Gorgeous wheel Nikki. I'm tickled pink for you! Here's hoping Santa hooks you up with lots of roving. :)
oh MY..Santa did arrive early..what a beauty..can't wait to see all your new pretties..and I'm with Dana..hope Santa drops lots of roving down your chimney...hugs
Awesome! Congrats on your new 'baby!'
Congratulations! I know how much you wanted her...she's delightful!
Congratulations on your new wheel! Your fairisle looks great too!
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